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Me to We Journey

Ever have something tap at your head endlessly? Knowing you need to be apart of something bigger. My Me to We Journey is just that for me. In 1978, I moved to Accra, Ghana, West Africa with family as my father worked on a water treatment plant for the Canadian Government. This maintains to be one of the most powerful life changing experiences I have ever had (birth of my children being first).

Since then there has always been a calling to go back. I am not sure of the need, but it is deep rooted and can not find words to express the push that comes from within. In recent years this calling has been so loud, I can no longer ignore. And so, let the planning begin. My minimum goal - go to Kenya. The ultimate goal to go to India, Kenya & Ecuador.


A portion of each sale will be committed to these trips. Here you will hear of this journey, the struggles, the accomplishments and my personal insights. I trust this too will be a life changing experience and hope to capture each pivotal moment. My hope to inspire others to do the same. Want to join me? Please be in touch. The more the merrier and would love to share this experience with like minded people. Please email me at info@majopagecreative.com.

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